When you stay dreaming, it stays a dream. This sentence just popped up in my head. Dreaming of publishing my own book one day. Dreaming of climbing The Barre Des Ecrins one day. Dreaming of selling my art worldwide one day. Dreaming of having a house somewhere in the mountains near a mountain lake one day. Dreaming of living together with MM one day.
I love the whole process of walking towards a dream and following the sychronicities and that inner voice that leads you to your dream. The coincidences that magically appear in my life when I decide what I want. I started to notice it 6 years ago when I started journaling every single day. I wrote things down on paper that I wanted to make happen and all of a sudden things really happened. And when I included photos to my diary I manifested things even more fast, but only when I really really had a desire for something.
Last week I reread The Alchemist from Paulo Coelho. 'When you truly want something the whole universe conspires to make your wish to come true.' If you really want to find that box of gold, you will find it. And it's quit a journey to discover where to find your gold. But you can only find it when you walk towards it and follow the soul of the world.
You have to learn how to listen to it. And that alone is allready an amazing journey. I've learned to listen to my intuition, to the signs of mother earth, to the voices of my angels and to quit the voice of my deepest fears. And the voice of others, because they have no idea of my journey, as it is a personal one. For anyone of us. Do you dare to listen or are you listering to the crowd?

One thing I've learned over the years how I can listen to my inner guide is by journaling and by being in nature. I have to totally relax to become the most in tune with my inner guidance. And that's not easy in a crowded city or when being a mom and having a child screaming your name the whole day. But I've learned to make time for myself, either it's a walk in the forrest or go kilterboarding by myself or sit down and write for hours. And then you will start to see the coincediences or the lucky things. It's the universe telling you, you or on your own path.
I remember someone saying to me: Chantal you need another word for coincidence, because it happens so often in your life! Coincidence is a way God/the universe/source whatever you name it showing you the way. Also via synchronicity. By meeting the right people at the right time. When you start journaling it's way easier to see the whole puzzle. That's how I found out. My dad used to say to me: 'Wees geen eenheidsworst, maar volg je eigen pad.' For more the eleven years I interviewd people for the newspaper that followed their own path. And I loved, loved making these stories. It really didn't costed me any effort.

Then I become a mom, shot analog photos of Roos and got hooked by it. And one day the Glacier Blanc was calling me again and I just went. Without planning it at all. I just knew I had to go with my analog camera and my diary and so I went.
And now I'm selling these mountains photos and make articles of my outdoor adventures and inspire people to go outside and follow their own path. That's how I serve the world. That's my path leading to gold, because all photos and stories are shot and writting from my heart. And I hope my work will light up many hearts all over the world.
We can create our dreamlife ourself. Just by walking towards it. Step by step. Mistake after mistake, wrong route after wrong route, just learning from it and figure out a new route. That’s how we grow. That why we chase our dream. Not because of the end result, but because we choose this dream as we know we will grow as a person during this walk.
And I hope my art, my poems, my articles and my workshops will help you find your path. It's the one written in the stars. Be quit and listen to the soul of the world who speaks to everyone who wants to hear it and has the courage to live it. Live it. Be yourself. Follow your own path to gold.
Lot's of love,
Chantal aka MW
