Ah men I made it on my own to refuge Glacier Blanc. Yep, this is it. I can feel it in my bones: this is how I want my life to be: climbing mountains, taking pictures with my analog camera while hiking and writing in refuges with a beautiful view on the mountains. I feel so so alive by doing this. Ce ca, I’m sold to this live… I wrote this down in my diary on 09/09/’20 while I was writing in front of refuge Glacier Blanc in National Parc des Ecrins in France.
So let’s get in shape for a life like that. It’s bloody hot today and I don’t feel like running, but yesterday I did. While I was running through the little parc called The Esch (it’s really beautiful out there and not crowded at all) my mind went out to a conversation about the importancy of doing sports I had on that specific day while I was at refuge Glacier Blanc. When dinner was served I sat down next to a men called Herve who I guess was somewhere in his 60ties.
We sat next to each other because it was the only spot left. I remember I wasn’t in the mood of speaking to other people as I was a bit tired of the trip up the mountain. But apparently he saw me sitting writing in front of the refuge. ‘What are you writing about?’ he then asked me friendly. ,,Ow just my story about how I walked of my grief in the mountains of losing my parents.’' As soon as I said that I felt like ‘shit I should have come up with a more positive item’.
Ow just my story about how I walked of my grief in the mountains of losing my parents.’'
The face of Herve changed and he even looked more friendly then before. ,,Wow that’s quit a story, tell me more! And how did your parents die?’' Shit, shit, how can I change this subject? Because now the whole table is listening to me and I just want to have my dinner and go to bed. But I decide to give him a fair answer. ‘’My mom died of cancer and my dad took his own life.’ Herve got tears in his eyes and takes a sip of his water. The women next to him gives him a sweet smile. What is going on here?
''I knew it wasn’t a coincidence you were sitting next to me'', he replied to me. What is he talking about? ''So tell me'', I asked him, ''why are you here in the French mountains?'' Herve takes another sip of his glass of water and starts explaining. ,,A few years ago the doctors told me I got a disease called Parkinson. I didn’t wanted to go that road, so I decided to not live a life like that. One day I went to a high bridge and wanted to jump of. But just one second before I wanted to kill myself I heard a voice which said to me to not do that. It said there was another way. I wish your dad heard this voice as well.’
The spoon with my macaroni hangs in the air. I can’t take it into my mouth, I’m blown away by his story. I stop eating and I wished I had something way stronger standing next to me on the table then just water. I can’t believe what Herve just told me. How is it possible our paths crosses here when I’m writing about… Herve starts talking again. ,,So I found out when you have Parkinson you are leaking dopamine. So I then decided to go do lot’s of sports to get me extra dopamine. And it helped!''
He continues: ,,The shaking of my hands stopped! And bit by bit I got my normal life back. He shows his hands ‘you see, no shaking at all!’' he says with a smile as big as half of the moon. I have to admit Herve looks very healthy, optimistic and full of life! Can’t believe he has Parkinson. And I definitely didn’t expect this answer when I asked him about why he loves being in the mountains. This man has had a tough route as well and he wrote a memoir about his journey that he published last year.
Please make sure you will publish your book as you will help many people who struggle finding beauty in life again after they lost their loved ones. I mean we all do one day and I think it’s beautiful how you found your way.''
Herve continues his story: ,,I had never thought even doctors would read my memoir, but they did! And still I get emails from people who thank me for writing this book as it helped them having a better life although they have Parkinson. Please make sure you will publish your book as you will help many people who struggle finding beauty in life again after they lost their loved ones. I mean we all do one day and I think it’s beautiful how you found your way.''
Herve: ‘’So what’s your plan? I reply: ,,Well tomorrow I want to get up very early to write here on my own when the rest is sleeping. And then I go more up to have a look at the Barre des Ecrins as it’s my goal to climb that mountain one day in my life. I went here a couple of times when I was a kid with my dad and he promised me to go there one day. But we never did, so it would be really special if I still can do it. Although I think it’s a really scary road.
,,Well that sounds like an amazing plan! I’m sure you will publish your book one day and climb the Barre des Ecrins. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Make sure you will inspire as many people as you can. You have a lovely story to tell. Promise me you will finish it.’’ I get tears in my eyes again and nod: ,,I promise.''

When Herve and his girlfriend are leaving the table a guy from the table next to me jumps of and takes a seat next to me. I look at him and he gives me a smile and hands me over a small glass. ‘’What’s this?’’ ,,Something you might like right now. We all watched you and heard a bit of your story and we have some really good strong genepi. It’s a likeur from the alps.'' ,,Oh wow thanks, yes I do need this,’’ I say while taking a large sip from it. ,,And you know what. I heard you want to climb the Barre des Ecrins one day. I will give you my number as I’m a mountaineer. Tommorrow I will take all these guys up to Barre des Ecrins, we leave at 04.00 o’clock. Would love to take the Mounatin Writer up one day.''
,,Mountain Writer?'' ,,Yes, sorry don’t know your name, so we where talking about you as we already saw you writing earlier in front of the refuge and called you the Mountain Writer. Here you have my number, my name is Florant Thibout and yours? Chantal. ,,Chantal? That’s a French name!'' I know, I say with a smile. ,,Well Chantal the Mountain Writer, give me a call when you are extremely fit and ready.'' ,,I will, I definitely will Florant.''
Men what a night was that in the refuge. It sort of all came together in a way I really couldn’t imagine. It always happens to me like that. I set a goal, start walking and out of nowhere the right people will cross my path. I’ve read about it, it’s called the law of attraction. I think I like this law. But one thing is essential, it’s you that have to go first and then the law will attract the right circumstances. So let's start walking again and see what magical things will happens this time.
Lot's of love