Do you know why it’s a fantastic plan to go to the mountains? I hear you thinking: fresh air, beautiful nature, good for your health… Of course these things are more than right, but that’s not what I mean.. I mean the man that are walking around there. I can assure you.. You don’t see them (often) in a coffee place in the city. Well okay I bumped into one 6 years ago, but that was pure luck..
Have you ever realised how mountain man look like? Tall, strong, tanned and extremely adventurous. They have this fire in their eyes. And most of them seem to be not bothered about woman. They just care about reaching the top of a mountain which make them even more attractive.

I remember once when I was on my own at refuge glacier blanc and sitting outside. I had an amazing view on the mountain peaks of Mont Pelvoux and next to me in a tiny tiny pool (to get yourself some water) was a guy sitting. I think he was almost 40 but had these child looking eyes. He was tall and strong. Later I found out his name was Nicolas (you can call me Nick he said) and from Corsica.
While he was sitting in the tiny water pool I was sitting next to him on the bench and writing in my notebook. ,,What are you writing about?’’ he asked me. ‘’About this extremely handsome guy next to me in the water pool,’’ would have been the honest answer. But of course I didn’t told him that, so the second kind of honest answer was: ‘’Oh well about this stunning view.’’
He looked at me. What’s your name? ,,Chantal.’’ Ah a French name, are you from here? No from the Netherlands. He started laughing. No mountains over there right? Yep, that's why I’m here..
‘’We saw you sitting here and writing, so we called you the Mountain Writer,’’ he said. ‘’I have never seen a girl sitting here writing.’’ I looked at him. ,,Well I have been a couple of times to this refuge and never saw a guy sitting in this drinking pool, so that makes you…’’
He stood up from the water pool all wet and smiled to me and gave me a hand. ,,My name is Nicolas, but you can call me Nick. Excuse me, I need to get myself some dry clothes.’’ It felt like I was in a Bridget Jones Dairy movie. ,,See you later at diner Chantal.’’
So this is why you should climb mountains. Thank me later ;)